Tell My Story

(Resume + Cover Letter)


It’s always been one of the heavier lifts of the job application process – but having a stellar resume isn’t always enough to land you the role – having a cover letter instills confidence and demonstrates your unique interest in a specific position.

Our “Tell My Story” offering includes everything included in the “Give me the Resume” service, as well as a thoughtfully crafted cover letter that sets you apart.

So, how do we get started?

Once we’ve finished creating you an ATS-compliant resume like we outlined here, we’ll use your desired new role to write a cover letter that positions you as a qualified candidate.

Ready to take the next step?

Read on to understand our timeline for getting your resume and cover letter to “Executive Level” – and if you’re on board, get started today!

  • Make your payment, and submit your resume in its current state – as well as any target job description and notes about what you’d like to add or elevate on your current CV.
  • Once we’ve received your payment, resume and all needed information, we’ll revert a first draft to you in no more than 7 days. From there, you’ll have a chance to review and send it back to us for a second round of changes, if needed.
  • Once we get you your final Executive Level Resume, we’ll be able to craft your cover letter. This step only takes about two days. We’ll share a draft back for your review, at which point you’ll have the chance to request a final round of changes.

At this point, we offer one more service to cover all of your bases when applying for your next job – a LinkedIn profile that matches the flow and tone of your cover letter. When formatted for success, your LinkedIn profile is a point of verification a potential employer will use to legitimize your work history and confirm that it matches your CV – it can be a make or break when it comes to landing the position.